Copyright 1984-1998 FileMaker, Inc. HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 alisA alisA LISTA HBAM3016AUG95@ 2STR >vers JSTR# bFNET ncfrg Timeouts YO/ 0 = "$$-97" $$-97 Cancelm mThis port is in use. = "$$-4210" $$-4210 Cancelm mThis portname does not exist.Jw Cancelm mAn error occurred To Main Menu |("Serial-DataWasReceived" Serial-DataWasReceived ----- SERIAL PORT ------ A%Check for Presence of Serial plug-in A4Important: ALWAYS check if the plug-in is available!B)Check if this is FileMaker 4.0 or higher.CQ 1)) < 4 Canceld This file requires FileMaker 4.0 or higherE/Check if the Troi Grabber Plug-in is available.F| |("Serial-Version" "") 14 ) <> "Serial Plug-in" Serial-Version Serial Plug-in ) = 1 Canceld The Serial Plug-in not found. Please put The Serial Plug-in into the Extensions folder inside the FileMaker folder. Also enable all the plug-ins under the application preferences. Canceld The Serial Plug-in not found. Please put the this Plug-in into the SYSTEM directory inside the FileMaker directory. Also enable all the plug-ins under the application preferences. Set all globals |("Troi-Set Default Separator" "|") Troi-Set Default Separator A Open file ) = 2 ----- General ------ ----- Misc ------ BeepBeep Close Serial Port Open the serial portB< |("Serial-Close" Serial-Close Sender |("Serial-Send" ] & "|" & Z & "##END") Serial-Send ##END <> 0 Cancelm mAn Error occurredD@ 10) = 0 Receiver """""" 333333 DDDDDD UUUUUU ffffff wwwwww OKatisering NDScherm reparatie Cancelorganiseren: naam bestand: B5300 schermreparatie##ENDDear MiClick on ok and then start the sending computer...D$ "##END" ##END - 1) A%Check records for transmission errors ) = 0 Cancel No errors in transmission.C Cancel There were errors in transmission. To Preferences Set Dispatch Script |("Serial-SetDispatchScript" ) & "| scriptkey=1") Serial-SetDispatchScript | scriptkey=1 Handle Data Received |("Serial-RestoreSituation" Serial-RestoreSituation A*Receive Data in global gTempResultReceived |("Serial-Receive" Serial-Receive 2 ) = "$$" ^ = "$$-28" $$-28 Cancel Open the port firstE- ^ = "$$-207" $$-207 Cancel Buffer overflow error.Gx Cancel An error occurred! Reset Dispatcher Script |("Serial-SetDispatchScript" "") Serial-SetDispatchScript A# Check for existence of gPortName A&Check if the port in the global existsBs |("Serial-GetPortNames" ] & " ") = 0 Serial-GetPortNames Canceld The portname as specified in the global gPortName does not exist. Do you want to change the preferences now?D* ) =1 To Menu Wait a sec pending on the presense ...C ... of the Dialog plug-in.D |("TrDl-Version" "") 19 ) = "Troi Dialog Plug-in" TrDl-Version Troi Dialog Plug-in |("TrDl-Version" "") 19 ) = "Troi Dialog Plug-in" TrDl-Version Troi Dialog Plug-in |("TrDl-DelayTicks" "10") TrDl-DelayTicks HRPTH FPTHAHKES:Projecten:Troi FM Plug-In:GRAB:Troi-Grabber-Plug-in1.0a1:StudReg.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA StudReg.fp3 RPTHA StudReg.fp3 StudReg.fp3 FMP3FMP3 Troi-Grabber-Plug-in1.0a1 HKES:Projecten:Troi FM Plug-In:GRAB:Troi-Grabber-Plug-in1.0a1:StudReg.fp3 Ethernet zone McGee peter PRPTH FPTHAPKES:Projecten:Troi FM Plug-In:GRAB:Troi-Grabber-Plug-in1.0a1:samples:StudReg.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA StudReg.fp3 RPTHA :samples:StudReg.fp3 alislis k{k|w [=g\gYg\.T g\c[_]c\ozc\g\[]g\c[o{c[g\[\g\24 NRPTH FPTHANKES:Projecten:Troi FM Plug-In:GRAB:Troi-Grabber-Plug-in1.0b1:docs:Overview.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA Overview.fp3 RPTHA :docs:Overview.fp3 Overview.fp3 FMP3FMP3 NKES:Projecten:Troi FM Plug-In:GRAB:Troi-Grabber-Plug-in1.0b1:docs:Overview.fp3 Ethernet zone McGee peter \RPTH FPTHA\KES:Projecten:Troi Plug-In 981215:Troi Plug-ins:SERIAL:Troi-Serial-Plug-in1.0b1:Portname.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA Portname.fp3 RPTHA Portname.fp3 StudReg.fp3 FMP3FMP3 samples PKES:Projecten:Troi FM Plug-In:GRAB:Troi-Grabber-Plug-in1.0a1:samples:StudReg.fp3 Ethernet zone McGee peter \RPTH FPTHA\KES:Projecten:Troi Plug-In 981215:Troi Plug-ins:SERIAL:Troi-Serial-Plug-in1.0b1:SeriExpl.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA SeriExpl.fp3 RPTHA SeriExpl.fp3 SeriExpl.fp3 FMP3FMP3 Troi-Serial-Plug-in1.0b1 \KES:Projecten:Troi Plug-In 981215:Troi Plug-ins:SERIAL:Troi-Serial-Plug-in1.0b1:SeriExpl.fp3 McGee peter (LIST Portname.fp3 FMP3FMP3 Troi-Serial-Plug-in1.0b1 \KES:Projecten:Troi Plug-In 981215:Troi Plug-ins:SERIAL:Troi-Serial-Plug-in1.0b1:Portname.fp3 Ethernet zone McGee peter (LIST VDEFA( (LIST LISTA stop=10 stop=15 stop=20 VDEFA( (LIST LISTA data=5 data=6 data=7 data=8 VDEFA( (LIST LISTA"parity=none parity=odd parity=even VDEFA( (LIST LISTA:flowControl=DtrDsr flowControl=RtsCts flowControl=XOnXOff VDEFA( (LIST LISTA inputControl=DTR outputControl=DSR DTR=enabled DTR=disabled inputControl=RTS outputControl=CTS RTS=enabled RTS=disabled inputControl=XOnXOff outputControl=XOnXOff VDEFA( speedsH portsI stop bits LISTA baud=150 baud=300 baud=600 baud=1200 baud=1800 baud=2400 baud=3600 baud=4800 baud=7200 baud=9600 baud=14400 baud=19200 baud=28800 baud=38400 baud=57600 VDEFA( FMRLA Portname J data bitsK parityL basic flow controlM advanced flow control Pro 3.0 - 4.0F! Pro 3.0 - 4.0M1 zondag maandag dinsdag woensdag donderdag vrijdag zaterdag januari februari maart april augustus september oktober november december 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter |("TrDl-DelayTicks" "10") TrDl-DelayTicks A$This scripts adds a bit of a wait...B9... 1/6 of a sec, or 1 sec depending on the presense ...C ... of the Dialog plug-in.D |("TrDl-Version" "") 19 ) = "Troi Dialog Plug-in" TrDl-Version Troi Dialog Plug-in OYBw* _ZkZ[ZkZ_ZkZOZkZ[ZkZ_Zw k]k]{ g\g=5 5sF6g]F o|g]k} k]k]s o|g]{ k]k]w Nv_:5 g=g<_;w o\o}5 k=JW1 o\g{1 g=k]5 NvkZ2 s}g]k\ g=g